2. Chen, R., & Wiederspan, M. (2014).
Understanding the Determinants of Debt Burden among College Graduates. Journal Of
Higher Education, 85(4), 565-598.
3. This article focuses on the debt students incur during
the education process by taking out loans.
It examines the many different types of loans and shows the default rate
for each and compares them to default rates of a decade ago. The article takes a statistical approach to
the student debt problem and provides many sources of data collection.
4. Rong Chen is a professor of Statistics at Rutgers
university and does research including, Nonlinear and Multivariate time series
analysis, Monte Carlo Methods and Statistical applications in science including
Engineering and Business.
5. cohort default rate- he
percentage of a school's borrowers who enter repayment on certain loans during
a federal fiscal year (October 1 to September 30) and default prior to the end of the next one to
two fiscal years.
aggregate unsubsidized loan- the total of unsubsidized
6. “Between 1995–96 and 2007–08, the percentage of
undergraduates borrowing increased from 37.8% to 46.2% for public four-year
institutions and from 48.5% to 58.9% for
private, nonprofit 4-year institutions (Bersudskaya & Wei, 2011)” (Chen).
“The financial aid system has shifted from what was,
at one time, comprised primarily of need-based aid to a system where student
loans are the predominant form of aid (Callan, 2001; Hearn & Holdsworth,
2004)” (Chen).
“According to the U.S. Department of Education (2013), the projected default rates
for loans that originated in 2013 are
23% of those taking out subsidized loans, 18% of those with unsubsidized loans, and 9% for PLUS
loans” (Chen566)
7. This article is of value to me because of the copious
amounts of data and comparisons made throughout the work. Having statistical data to support my argument
will ensure that I have a good base for my argument and am not just making wild
assumptions. There are also many parts
about students defaulting on their loans which is an important aspect to think
of when trying to decide if college is the right decision for yourself.