Tuesday, October 7, 2014

blog post 3

For my topic I focused on individualistic culture and its acceleration of privatization of universities through public pressure.  With privatization comes a need to turn a profit and an increase in the competitiveness of universities among one other to show the biggest return to investors, mostly at the expense of the students.  In "Default: The Student Loan Documentary." it is said that “Grants that you don’t have to pay back were available to cover  75% or more of the cost of an average institution, that sounds like a fantasy to us now it’s completely switched.  We’ve come from relying on grants to relying on loans putting the burden of paying these huge costs onto students and their families” (Maneghello). The transition from grants to loans is a perfect example of individualistic culture having its influences in college funding because unlike grants, loans promise a return on investment instead of just the knowledge that you are helping to improve society provided by grants.
1.       Meneghello, Aurora. “Default: The Student Loan Documentary.”  Online video.    YouTube.  16 Feb 2013.  Web. Available at  

1 comment:

  1. Obviously the readings from "Understanding Privatization" will be of help to you, and I recommend returning to that packet.
